Pivot With Purpose Season 5 Episode 19 Haley Bogaert Full Transcript

Haley (00:00.498)
And I always like to listen to it first before everybody listens to it.

Meghan Houle (00:03.948)
Oh yeah, no, totally. We'll have a microphone link even just to like re-listen to it ASAP. We clean it up and edit it a bit, but other than that, you'll have it. Really? All I have is like a wingtip. Love you. Okay. All right. I just intro you right in and then I read your bio and stuff and another thing. All right.

Haley (00:12.95)

Your makeup looks so good. Love it, you look good.

Haley (00:26.974)
Okay, amazing.

Meghan Houle (00:29.016)
Hey, Haley, welcome to the Pivot With Purpose podcast. How are you today? My beautiful friend. I wish we were doing this in person so I could be at your beautiful studio and then you can like give me the glow up. Like everyone else I see. I like love you so much, but like also I can't follow you because I have constant foam.

Haley (00:34.238)
I'm great. Thanks so much for having me.

Haley (00:43.952)

Haley (00:48.962)

Haley (00:53.63)
Well, we gotta get you in the stores. I mean, eventually when we open up in the US, like I'm all yours.

Meghan Houle (00:58.104)
I mean, truly, I'm gonna be outside every day as your like number one hype cheerleader fan forever. So sign me up, absolutely ASAP. But thank you so much. I mean, I know as a business owner, entrepreneur in the midst of all this like incredible growth, like you are a busy lady. So we really appreciate you coming on the podcast and sharing your voice as I know so many listeners in our community.

Haley (01:06.535)
You're welcome.

Meghan Houle (01:22.572)
are also very much inspired by you and just love beauty and love hearing stories of growth through adversity and highs and lows. I mean, it's not always a pretty road to entrepreneurship, right? Right? And I just feel like, gosh, over the years with like social media and all the things, like it's tough, because we definitely post about some of the wonderful things that are going on.

Haley (01:38.374)
No, absolutely not. Cheers to that.

Meghan Houle (01:52.416)
And I think a lot of times like behind the scenes and I posted this the other day, like we are also like internally screaming. Trying to kind of keep a front of like, things are great. But also I feel like you are such a blend of like real raw authentic. And you kind of bring us also on your journey throughout your daily routine and all the things that you love. So you're so approachable and kind and generous. So thank you again for this time.

Haley (01:59.294)
Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Thank you.

Meghan Houle (02:20.984)
So diving right in, where are we catching you today? Tell us a little bit about Haley day in the life today before we dive into all the pivots. What are you loving? What's lighting you up? What's going on in your world?

Haley (02:34.951)
Yeah, I mean, like we have a lot going on. We have a few collections that we're working on at this moment in time, which I'm super excited about. As you know, we're raising venture capital, which has been crazy, a crazy journey, but like an amazing one. I've learned so much. So I'm so grateful for that. And then we're working on some locations. And

hiring staff and doing onboarding and all of the good things. So, really working on the foundation of the business as it grows with brick and mortar, which is great. So, still learning a lot with that as well, but like, yeah, it's good.

Meghan Houle (03:13.292)
Yeah. And, you know, for all listening in within the intro and whatnot, you know, Hailey is the face, the founder, the CEO, the boss of all things, HB Face and Beauty. So in this journey of creating this incredible business, you know, and what you're doing today, did you always have your heart set early on thinking about your professional goals being in the space that you are today? Like, tell us a little bit about Hailey, like, early on.

Haley (03:38.965)

Meghan Houle (03:42.692)
goals. Yeah.

Haley (03:43.01)
Yeah, like early on, I mean, I'm really lucky from a young age. I did know what I wanted to do. And it slowly grew, right? Like it moved out of my, my small town and worked for some of the most amazing studios in Toronto and developed a really amazing clientele. And then, you know, I had a tragic loss, my mom and my brother at the age of 22. I lost them both six months apart due to mental health and addiction. And that really, you know, was.

definitely a changing point in my life. But it brought all this amazing stuff along the way, so I'm really grateful. So I ended up moving to my home apartment, which was like a shoe box. And I had about 3,000 clients follow, which was amazing. I slowly grew out of that space, or quickly, I should say. And then we opened up a small loft. That was all I could afford at the time.

Meghan Houle (04:29.06)

Meghan Houle (04:32.56)

Haley (04:39.854)
hired two staff, grew out of that in a year, and then opened up our first brick and mortar in 2019. And it'll actually be five years this March, which is so crazy. Two years of that being COVID, so that was fun. And then we opened our second location in Oakville. It's going on three years this year, which is so crazy to think about. And at the start of the journey, I was using private label.

Meghan Houle (04:50.504)

Meghan Houle (05:02.457)

Haley (05:06.486)
right, and then was able to save enough money to do my first round of skincare about a year and a half, two years ago already. And that was like a real pivotal point for us. You know, it really like hit home for everybody and they loved it and everything else now I'm trickling into obviously our makeup collection and doing that one collection at a time. And yeah, it's been quite the

Meghan Houle (05:07.12)
Okay, yeah.

Meghan Houle (05:15.37)

Meghan Houle (05:22.586)

Meghan Houle (05:29.696)
Paper? Yeah.

I know, no, amen to that. Well, tell us as we kind of dive in, HBface, yeah, I mean, I knew you were just mentioning, but you have so many spokes in your wheel of services, products, and offerings. So like, what is the HBface experience? Like both in...

and then like outside of, yeah, Canada. Cause of course, like if people are local, they can come to you and have like full service. But now you have this like awesome beauty line. So like give us like the full like business HP face model. I love it, yes.

Haley (05:56.31)

Haley (06:01.55)
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so, you know, we really based our, our company on customer service. And that's really what sets us apart that one on one experience with the client. And you know, they come in to start with their brows and we get them on a regime and you know, they get the client really gets to trust us and you know, falls in love with HP face and then falls in love with all of our skincare and makeup.

because we are a trusted brand. So it's like, it really is special when you do come in, you'll see the vibe. There's just something so amazing about it and people love coming in because they feel comfortable. I always say like, it's the Four Seasons experience at like a medium price point. So we can really cater to everybody and so everybody can have that amazing experience when they come in. So thank you. It's very aesthetically pleasing, we try.

Meghan Houle (06:50.932)
Yeah, no it really is and it's so beautiful too. So it's like, yes.

Haley (06:58.068)
So yeah, it's good.

Meghan Houle (07:00.584)
What was the pivotal moment for you in life and career, would you say, that really kind of led you to where you are today? Because I know you just kind of thrusted yourself into this space very early on after a lot of hard ache and tragedy. Was there another moment where, in terms of even growth, you're like, I'm doing this, I'm key? Or what's kept you going too? Yeah.

Haley (07:28.094)
I mean, like, yeah, the first moment obviously would have been at the age of 22 when, you know, all of that stuff had happened to me. So that was, you know, I really thought about it as like life was too short. And at that point, I really had nothing to lose. And I still do think that way. Because at the time, I was like, I've lost everything. Like, what's $10,000? Let's just fucking go. To start it. Right. So like, that was a big pivotal point. And like,

Meghan Houle (07:36.716)

Meghan Houle (07:48.984)

Right, yeah, yeah.

Haley (07:56.53)
it really got me up every day, right? And to make, it made me like the person I am, and it made me feel good to like put my makeup on. Like it really got me through my day, as cliche as it sounds. And then, you know, making other people feel good was like, it helped me. Like as much as it helped them, it really helped me, which was great. So that was, as time went on, I would say that was, you know, that first year.

Meghan Houle (08:03.277)

Meghan Houle (08:12.304)

Meghan Houle (08:17.912)

Haley (08:23.566)
for my mom and my brother passed away, that was like a very pivotal year. And then I would say the second pivotal year would be when I opened up the second location during a pandemic when no one was opening any stores. I was like, well, we got some renovations to do. Like I know COVID's going to be over eventually. Let's go. So that was like, holy shit, I'm doing this. And you know, now we want to try to do like 10. I really wanted to

Meghan Houle (08:36.669)
Yeah, why not? Yeah, let's go.

Haley (08:51.55)
as you know, to start in the States, but we're going to do, you know, 10 stores here just to really make sure it's like moving and grooving. And then I'll tap into the US market because that is my dream. So, but yeah.

Meghan Houle (08:52.472)

Meghan Houle (09:00.228)

Meghan Houle (09:04.744)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that zone of genius of like face, brow. I mean, listen, we are always gonna wanna look good. I'm sorry, like we are, like I remember in the pandemic, I went into the pandemic with bonded extensions. Like if you know, you know, anyone out there listening.

Haley (09:13.874)
Always. Absolutely.

Meghan Houle (09:25.096)
And I'm like, my hair's gonna fall out, all of it. It's just done. I don't even know when the salon is gonna open back up. So bonded extensions for anyone listening are literally single extension, almost like a clip glue that can get very tangled. And when you sleep, like Megan Hall, the Lion King tornado that I wake up and I'm like, what's going on with my hair? Like, yes, I woke up like this. And then I'm like.

Haley (09:32.011)
I know.

Meghan Houle (09:51.34)
I don't know who's gonna do my hair. Oh my God. So I remember the pandemic. We literally were getting our hair done in people's kitchens. Like I remember brokering. I'm like, I will pay you anything. Like, can I come to your house? And like their kids are like getting home, like homeschooled digitally in the background. You know, someone's like, bunny is like running around. I'm like getting my hair shampooed next to like a waffle iron. I'm like, but hey, I'm getting these extensions out. So like, win-win.

Haley (10:03.15)
It's, I was brutal.

Haley (10:11.729)
I honestly...

Haley (10:16.526)
I honestly don't know how moms did it with like at-home children. Like I, it was like crazy. And then everybody was like, everybody's roots were growing out. Like it was insane.

Meghan Houle (10:20.588)
know. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (10:27.652)
It's just the underground beauty that was going on. If you knew.

Haley (10:29.97)
Oh yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I like, you know, I went to a couple of people's houses. Like I needed to because like one, I had to lay off all my staff. And then we were closed the longest in Canada. Like we, our doors were shut for over 300 days, over consecutive days. And I know in the States, it was a little bit more, like I know Florida, like everybody was up and rocking and things were like good to go. So I was like really.

Meghan Houle (10:46.028)
Wow, yeah, that's a lot. That's a lot, yeah.

Meghan Houle (10:54.794)
I know.

Haley (10:57.782)
like terrible for, especially Canadians who was foul. It was.

Meghan Houle (11:01.76)
Right. Well, no, but I think in this, it's like, you know, you're not reinventing the wheel of like the face and the brows, but also, but you are creating like a memorable high end luxury experience in which someone who comes from service and luxury myself, like that's what people remember. Like that's what brings people back and you and your team and your mission and your passion.

Haley (11:14.285)

Haley (11:21.486)
They do.

Meghan Houle (11:26.228)
all of that. So I give you so much credit, but I think you're also in a space that's still like so highly desirable. Even with all the competition, even with all makeup, like I'm always like, nobody is you. And I feel like not to be a cliche, but like that is your superpower. And you know, what's so nice to us with this beauty line, you are accessible in other markets. So that truly you are building this like fan base already.

Haley (11:33.511)
Oh yeah.

Haley (11:39.313)
Yeah, thank you. Thank you.

Meghan Houle (11:51.94)
all over, wherein people are gonna be so excited to see you when you're able to continue to grow and expand, which I'm just so proud of you. And then on that flip side of it, yeah, starting with face and brows and whatnot, but what led you to be like, oh gosh, I have to do product? I mean, it's kind of like a no-brainer, but how did you start and then grow this incredible product line? And everyone buy every lip crayon color possible. Thanks, bye.

Haley (12:00.13)

Haley (12:11.022)

Haley (12:20.99)
I love you. Oh, you're so sweet. I love you. Right? Literally. No joke. So, okay, remind me of the question again. Sorry, what was the question? Oh, yes. Yeah. I mean, no, it's totally fine. I guess when I was younger, when I was working at specific studios, like when I was doing co-op, like the makeup and brows and skincare, it all just really went hand in hand. Like...

Meghan Houle (12:23.246)
I feel like we should be on QEC right now. Like, what can we sell? Like we need to like start a video on this.

Meghan Houle (12:33.088)
Yeah, so like with the beauty line, like how did that all like evolve for you? Yeah, sorry, I get off on tangents.

Meghan Houle (12:50.074)

Haley (12:50.454)
You can be an artist and just do brows. However, again, I was creating an experience and I feel like no one should be leaving red. Everybody should be leaving with a five minute face and being touched up after their brow service and be able to educate your client one-on-one. The difference between us and going into a department store is you don't get that luxury treatment.

Meghan Houle (13:02.937)

Meghan Houle (13:14.722)

Haley (13:14.838)
And you know, you get like, I have staff that are only dedicated to HP face that know the product inside and out, and that can really, you know, hone in on the client's needs. So, and there's the time for it, which is great. So yeah, you know, the project really just came in naturally and actually like my real dream was to have, you know, the product line first. However, you know, I

Meghan Houle (13:20.754)

Meghan Houle (13:29.911)

Meghan Houle (13:34.948)

Haley (13:41.75)
bootstrap the business. I've done everything on my own. So I was like, okay, well, like at a young age, like, how am I going to be able to, I'm going to have to thread a lot of upper lips.

Meghan Houle (13:43.31)

Meghan Houle (13:52.976)
Like I have a long runway to go. Yeah. Wow.

Haley (13:53.65)
and a lot of eyebrows, I did a lot of face reading, and I did, and saved my money to be able to do first round product, which was a few hundred thousand. It wasn't pocket change, so, but yeah, it's just quite funny, I look back and I go, oh, holy shit, so far, yeah, it's been good, so far, yeah.

Meghan Houle (14:08.964)
But you did it. What, you did it. Well, what does it take truly to like bring a product life, like a product line together to life? Yeah, like what does that take? Cause I feel like people see all these celebrities and you have a true business built on a service and then all this other beautiful things to compliment. But you know, I feel like people see like, oh, so and so has a lip line now and so and so has this, but it's not easy. I mean, like that takes a lot of work and formulation.

Haley (14:17.406)

Haley (14:32.618)
Yeah. No, it's not. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's a headache. But it's a good like it's a good headache. And I enjoy it so much because it gives me the creativity to you know, like I have both sides, where I'm the CEO and I have the business side even though I didn't go to school for it. And then there's the part of me where is creative. So I'm lucky I can dabble in both.

Meghan Houle (14:37.2)
and all the things. So like, what is the process of that? Like, yeah, just overall. So curious. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (14:48.654)

Haley (15:02.366)
and going to work and still being on the floor, which I will always make a point of doing, gives me the creativity to do the product and I know what clients want, right? So it keeps me in the know. And it's, yeah, it's like, it's a great ecosystem I have going right now. But yeah, it's not easy to develop product. It takes months, years, and it takes a lot of cash flow. So.

Meghan Houle (15:16.835)

Meghan Houle (15:22.16)
100%. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (15:27.668)
Absolutely. Well, and like you said, you have your test subjects in your chairs every day, you know, like, what are you guys loving? Like, what are you asking for? I'm sure people like are begging you to like make all the things and you're like one step at a time says, but no, it is so incredible. You're like, you know, like it was just a little mini like beauty studio, not many, but it's like it's like a one stop shop. I mean, you are literally like full access. I love that. What have you learned the most about yourself as a business owner entrepreneur in this whole journey?

Haley (15:32.141)

Haley (15:37.47)
all the things. Yeah.

Haley (15:48.352)
It is, yeah.

Meghan Houle (15:57.868)
Mm, yeah. I know. Yeah.

Haley (15:58.218)
Hmm, that's a good one. What have I learned about myself? I Mean I've learned that like, you know, I've really pushed myself into areas that I didn't think I was capable of doing like, you know managing delegating and You know once you get the hang of it and you really do have to have a certain personality for it like you have to have a good heart and you also have to but you have to be like somewhat strict and I've learned the balance of that

Meghan Houle (16:11.147)
Love that. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (16:22.829)

Haley (16:25.622)
and I'm trying to master it and I will always continue to try to master it, it's not easy. But I'm happy I put myself in those positions to keep learning and to keep evolving and growing and even with the venture capital, like I said a year ago, I was like, what the fuck's a deck? I'm like, I'm sorry. And people laugh at me and I'm like, I actually didn't know what a deck was. And I sound so stupid, but like, you know.

Meghan Houle (16:38.52)
Yeah. Oh, wow.

I know, I mean seriously. Yeah.


Haley (16:50.354)
evolving from that a year ago and the amount of knowledge I've learned. And it's been amazing. Like it really, it really has been quite the journey in a great, great way. So.

Meghan Houle (16:54.732)
It's crazy. It's amazing. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (17:02.441)
Yeah. I mean, and the whole fundraising thing too. I mean, VC is like next level, you know, where we've learned so much too. And Haley and I are also in our mastermind together, the Blueprint mastermind, shout out, which is how we met and then evolved our beautiful relationship. But I think just even understanding the financials of it and the difference between angels and VC and like what each of both are looking for and fundraising, I mean, it's just, it's a lot. And I think it's like the financial sides are always like,

Haley (17:07.455)
Yeah, it is. Okay.

Haley (17:12.2)

Meghan Houle (17:30.66)
big learnings as well because you and I like we also are so creative. So like balancing like both sides of the brain where I'm like, oh, budget, that's cute. What's the budget?

Haley (17:34.871)

Haley (17:40.61)
Yeah. You know what? That's another thing I've learned over the years is like to really like you got a budget, right? And it's hard when you like got nothing to work with to begin with, like especially at the start, like this was the first year I took a salary out. It's been five years. First year I've ever taken a salary out. But you, you have to like that's if you really want it to be amazing and successful, you have to like

Meghan Houle (17:46.964)
Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Meghan Houle (17:57.817)


Haley (18:10.491)
Yeah, about like a bit of that.

Meghan Houle (18:11.86)
Yeah, it's not about us as we know. I mean, it's about the clients, it's about your team, it's about establishing a really solid brand and then everything else comes. So what, and it's like a two part question, I'm so excited to ask you, what do you love seeing now in the beauty industry? And also on that flip side, like what drives you crazy? So like, what do you love and like, what drives you crazy? Yeah.

Haley (18:15.832)

Haley (18:20.01)
Yeah, it does. Absolutely.

Haley (18:35.402)
I mean, I do love like that it's, it's not that I love that it's oversaturated, but I love that there's so many beauty brands. And it gives me perspective on new products that I should come out with. And like, you know, it's always evolving, which is amazing. I do love that aspect of it. I mean, sometimes I get annoyed because, you know, I see these, you know, I see certain entrepreneurs if they come from money or if they, you know, they have had the help and I'm like, really like.

Meghan Houle (18:42.884)

Meghan Houle (18:49.896)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Haley (19:04.266)
really struggling. And I'm like, if I just would have had the funding, like I already thought 10 steps ahead of like where I should be. And I would have been there if I would have had the funding, but my time will come. Right. And I think that, you know, that's the kind of the only thing that maybe bums me out a little bit because I could be like, fuck, I could be so much farther. But at the same time, like I am really hard on myself. So I'm good. Yeah, I'm good. Yeah, no, it's great.

Meghan Houle (19:05.793)
I know.

Meghan Houle (19:12.014)

Yeah, yes it will. It will.

Meghan Houle (19:29.312)
I know. And you're doing it. And I feel like in the lows, in the trenches, you know, in all that, there's also this like beautiful gratitude for what's coming through and the abundance where you get at all levels versus the expectation of like, right, like, oh, I have this so I can do all these things. And I don't know, I feel like at certain levels…

Haley (19:35.246)
Thank you.

Haley (19:40.191)

Haley (19:45.846)
You appreciate it more. You appreciate it.


Meghan Houle (19:52.332)
You must peak of like, what's next? What's next? Like having like disposable income. I almost feel like those individuals are like never satisfied. He'll know it's so strange. I'm like, Okay. Yeah.

Haley (19:55.362)

Haley (20:00.522)
Yeah, no, you're not wrong. I mean.

Like for me, it's never been like, I know everybody at the end of the day is like chasing the bag, but I feel for me, like it's never been about the money. It's genuinely because I love it. And I'm not like bullshitting you, like genuinely because I love making people feel good. And it's just grown into this. And like, I've, you know, read so many quotes and books and it's like, if you were chasing the money, it's like, it's never gonna work. It's never ever gonna work. So I think like,

Meghan Houle (20:10.081)
No, we get it, yeah.

Meghan Houle (20:14.168)
Yeah, it can't be.

Meghan Houle (20:19.084)
No, you do.

Meghan Houle (20:23.769)

Meghan Houle (20:32.793)

Haley (20:34.614)
being inspired and motivated by creating the community and the stores and all of those things, the money comes.

Meghan Houle (20:43.244)
It does. Nope, 100%. I love that. Who has been a big mentor or inspiration on this journey for you? I know you inspire so many people. Who inspires you?

Haley (20:54.526)
So, I mean, I have a couple great, and like, Ali Webb's been amazing. We love her. And yeah, hi. And then I have Jen Koss, who went to Harvard Business School. She's been amazing. I love her. And then this year, the Relay team, who is, you know, leading the round, they have been amazing and, you know, helping and, you know, answering any questions.

Meghan Houle (20:58.792)
Yes, we love Ali. Hi Ali.

Meghan Houle (21:16.368)

Haley (21:22.034)
stupid questions that I have about like, do I do this, do I that, you know, so they've been super patient, and they've been great. So love them. And yeah, like, it's so funny. A lot of people are like, you live under a rock, like I'm like so bad with pulp, pop culture, and like, you know, reading up on everybody and like tons of entrepreneurs, I'm trying to get better with it, because I'm my eyes is so on the prize. And I have such tunnel vision that I'm like, that I'm just always thinking about what's next for the business. But

Meghan Houle (21:44.401)
I know. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (21:49.602)

Haley (21:50.814)
Yeah, no, I have some great mentors. It's good, yeah.

Meghan Houle (21:53.748)
No, you really do. I think that there's this misconception that we just do it all and you're an entrepreneur and you do it all and you're on your own. I mean, whether you're looking to build a business or also pivot a career or whatnot, I mean, it's okay to ask for help. It's okay to not know things. We can't be an expert in everything.

Haley (22:11.527)
Oh yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (22:15.928)
but I also feel like on the flip side, you just have to be mindful too. And I'm sure we could have a whole nother podcast of how we've gotten burned by people. Oh my God, let's, girl, let's do it. But I mean, or another like, how much money have I wasted in my life? Like also another podcast. We have like sessions to go, Haley. Stay tuned everyone.

Haley (22:23.65)
Oh yeah, you and me both. Oh God, oh my goodness. I'm in for that. I'll definitely, yeah.

Haley (22:35.246)
See you.

Haley (22:40.358)
Yeah, we really do, literally.

Meghan Houle (22:41.944)
But you don't have to do it alone. And I think embracing the fact that you are an expert in something, like you have your zone of genius, but also like asking for help. And then at times like standing up and then investing in that help, because I also feel like people are always like, well, something's gonna come along or, you know, someone's gonna find out, reach out. Like no one's thinking about us, like truly, you know, like no one cares. And then also do like we're down, our heads are down. I mean, people care, but I just feel like in your business, like

Haley (23:01.606)
No, no.

Meghan Houle (23:08.844)
You have to identify what you need, the support you need, and just make sure you have the right people in your corner. Because what would you say to those points has been a big challenge lesson learned that you've overcome of maybe doing some not great things in your business or investing in something that you really didn't believe in? Is there anything that really stands out where you're like, ooh, OK, maybe I could have done this differently or just learned?

from it or giving advice to someone who might be sitting in your shoes like stressing about everything. Yeah.

Haley (23:34.697)

I mean, like, yeah, I know for sure. I mean, this is like geared towards my business and like we were doing facials. We started facials in the Toronto location and I was like, okay, I'm going to see how it goes with that location. And then had spoken to Ali and she's like, hails, I am the prize. Like you can't scale the facials. You don't like, you know, you can't teach the facials. It's a headache. Like pull back.

Meghan Houle (23:57.646)

Meghan Houle (24:03.152)

Haley (24:03.598)
And you know, she gave me great advice because it would have brought down our profit margin. Like it would just, like it made so much sense because I can flip and rinse and repeat with what I'm doing now opposed to that. So that, to find out early on, saved my ass a lot of money. So thanks to Ali Webb. But yeah, for sure. It was, it's certain things like that. I haven't take, like I haven't knock on wood had too many mistakes yet because I moved slow.

Meghan Houle (24:08.452)

Meghan Houle (24:17.204)

Meghan Houle (24:21.388)
Yeah, yeah.

Meghan Houle (24:26.885)

Meghan Houle (24:31.68)
Yeah. Good. No.

Haley (24:34.602)
And I feel like that way you move slow, you perfect it, and then there's no fuck ups, right? So I truly, yeah. So no, yeah, so that's what I truly believe, but yeah.

Meghan Houle (24:41.46)
Amen, sister. Yeah, and I, yeah, I love that. No, go ahead.

Meghan Houle (24:49.824)
Well, and that resonates so much because I also feel like people across like all different industries and disciplines, it's like, fast, fast. And oh, I can like juggle all these things. And it's like, I appreciate that advice from Allie. Got similar advice of like, no, like hone in on your zone of genius. You know, you can't spread yourself so thin. And also, why are we rushing the process? Like, you know, it doesn't have to be perfect. It is all about progress.

Haley (25:05.863)

Haley (25:09.964)

Meghan Houle (25:18.264)
But also people come in at their own times, and it's gonna be great, whether someone gets there fast or fine. But that's not always a win, because I do feel like when things are forced or done quickly, sometimes there's a lot of things missed. Just go like, oh, I gotta get it out. And then also it feels a little inauthentic. So girl, you do you on your time. You're obviously crushing it, so we can learn a lot from you.

Haley (25:21.442)

Haley (25:26.497)
It's in, yeah.

Haley (25:35.607)

Haley (25:40.63)
Yeah, you said. That's sweet.

Meghan Houle (25:43.492)
So amen. But what would you say to someone who might be looking, Hayley, to land a career in beauty as, yes, many of our listeners are career professionals and love the beauty space just like me. You know, what are some of your steps or advice or, you know, I don't know, words of wisdom for someone kind of looking to get into beauty at all levels? Yeah.

Haley (26:05.294)
Yeah, I mean, like, depends if you're wanting to work at like a brick and mortar or like a Sephora or like what if you're just an artist. It really depends. Like for me and my journey, I wanted, you know, to also like to be an artist and also be in business. So this was like the best route for me in that way. But words of wisdom is just to like, just don't fucking give up. You just got to keep going. Like you just got to keep going.

Meghan Houle (26:29.517)

Haley (26:31.202)
There's definitely going to be some shitty days and there's going to be some amazing days and to celebrate the small wins and to just keep your head above water and also not care what anybody thinks. Because as soon as you care about what someone thinks, it's just going to pull you back. The past couple years I've learned that I just don't fucking care what people think. You know? And you're going to have those people that will be there for you and then you'll have those people that like...

Meghan Houle (26:42.956)
I know, it's so hard.

Meghan Houle (26:56.388)

Haley (27:00.33)
you thought were there for you that weren't really supposed to be there. So it's just people come and go in your life for certain reasons at certain times and you know, we'll be there to lift you up or not. So you just, I've learned the hard way like you said about being burnt. So, it is that.

Meghan Houle (27:03.817)

Meghan Houle (27:15.524)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, I mean, and I feel like for someone too, for that advice in the career, like you undoubtedly hire people and, I mean, you know I'm all about things hiring. Talk to me about what your process is. Like what do you look for too then giving that other advice? Like what makes somebody really stand out for you? What do you look for when you're hiring for your team? You know, what is your process there of like vetting? Because we know that that's like another full-time job.

For sure, yeah. Head's my business, like, I mean. Yeah, she's great, yeah.

Haley (27:45.254)
Yeah, I mean, what it is. Yeah, that's like, yeah, for sure. Full time job. I mean, Anastasia is great with hiring. She does my operations. She's amazing. And she thinks like me in terms of like what the HB mold is, right? Someone that's super outgoing, that loves skincare, loves makeup, loves brows, like really has it be their life. And yeah, like just fits the mold.

Meghan Houle (28:03.236)

Meghan Houle (28:11.248)

Haley (28:15.178)
And it's hard to find. And sometimes, like, you know, I also love when girls fresh from out of school because it's like, they have no bad habits, I can teach them all the right ways. Like, that's always great. But it really also boils down to trust and, you know, them respecting their boss and respecting the workplace and their other colleagues. Like, I'm really, really a stickler on, like, my community, not.

Meghan Houle (28:23.597)

Haley (28:43.134)
you know, like my clients as a community, but also my staff as a community. And, you know, I'm very, I am picky on who I hire because I want everybody to get along and like that's at the store more than they're at their house. Right. So they got to, I got to really make sure I always create that good, healthy, happy, fun environment. Um, and once there is cancer in the workplace, it is a automatic, see you later. Like.

Meghan Houle (28:56.654)

Meghan Houle (29:09.376)
You gotta get it out. Yeah.

Haley (29:11.53)
real quick, like I don't spin around because I can like, you know, I think Jacqueline had mentioned too, like in one of her, um, speakings, she had said like, you know, once there's one they kind of like, and all like people can turn on you, right? Like you have to be so careful who you let in and who you trust. So yeah.

Meghan Houle (29:25.46)
Oh, 100%. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (29:30.8)
Yep. And I love that you give attention to people that, and I know in my world too of like hiring and recruiting and all the things, like everyone's so hung up on their resume and like all these hard skills, but arguably like those soft skills, the things that are intangible, being a teammate, being somebody likable to work with, like you could probably check all the boxes for Haley, but you come in and you sense like a twinge of someone like...

Haley (29:51.119)

Meghan Houle (29:58.636)
you know, kind of not having like a great vibe or, you know, we all probably have interviewed those people where you're sitting across, you're like, this person's like, literally just telling me what I want to hear. You know, and like selling me up the river, but no. No. Yes. Yeah, it's a full package. Yeah.

Haley (30:08.742)
Oh yeah, for sure. And they can't, yeah, it can't be just good on paper. It's like dating, it can't be just good on paper. It's like essentially like dating, right? Like, yeah, it is. And like, you know, for people that have, you know, went to school and, you know, went to university, I was never like one to, like to be really good in school. I was more hands-on. So like, I, like, I find that getting

pushed into the position and just like making them, like pushing them into it is the best way to learn. I know Sydney, we actually always laugh about this because she was like, she didn't know how to thread. She was a makeup artist, so I taught her how to do brows and threading. She's like one of like my best girls. She's made, they're all amazing, but she's like been with me the longest. And she's like, you literally fucking threw me out to the sharks. You were like, okay, bye. And I just watched her, right? And like, I was there to coach her and like, but it's the best way because.

Meghan Houle (30:53.357)

Meghan Houle (31:00.196)
Just do it.

Haley (31:04.482)
then you can get right into it and not be nervous. You're obviously gonna be nervous, but it throws you in. Because that's the way of teaching, because I feel like that's how I had to do it, and you become more stronger and successful that way. So I want all my girls to be super successful with an HB face and have an amazing career with me.

Meghan Houle (31:10.255)

Meghan Houle (31:18.48)

Meghan Houle (31:22.508)
Yeah. And I mean, that's not something I mean, they're physically providing a service. So like, you need to see them in action. They need to do it. And I would say that the more they do it, the more confident they get. But yeah, I don't feel like in any industry, there's a lot of hand holding going on. But you know, there's definitely those brands that just like really micromanage and like structure and then also like them put the fear of God in people. So then by the time you get out there, you're like, Oh, my God, I'm like, you know, you're creating your own imposter syndrome in your company, like

Haley (31:28.43)
Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah.

Haley (31:34.598)

Haley (31:48.568)

Haley (31:52.162)
Great. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (31:52.26)
Just let your people get out there. Like someone's gonna make a mistake, it's fine. Correct it, but if you feel like there is someone who truly wants to learn and do better and grow, you're gonna be able to sense that, support them, and then let them fly and then be amazing like you have. So I love that so much. How have you built your community culture and what would you say at HBFace? Like what are your brand mission values? I know you talk about your individuals that you employ and hire, but what about your community overall? Like what's that vibe, mission, value that you're putting out there for?

Haley (32:21.542)
Yeah, so I want to be successful. Yes, successful, accessible, access. Oh my God. I'm so tired. I want to be accessible to everybody and I feel like we've really done that. And again, it kind of boils down to our like our customer service. And also we give such an exceptional like the protocols that go into the brows and skincare and the makeup and everything all around it. We built our community on that, right?

Meghan Houle (32:27.02)
Yeah, yeah.

Haley (32:49.382)
and they come in and they come in every couple of weeks and it's really like became a family atmosphere and it gives like especially women who have like children or you know, busy CEOs, they come in for that 15 minutes and they are just like, like the best and they walk out feeling like a million bucks. So we really strived on that and it's yeah, it's so nice to see it slowly like, you know, what's grown fast in terms of community, it's nice to see it grow and then.

Meghan Houle (33:02.121)
Mm-mm. I know.


Haley (33:19.442)
and then having to always keep them happy. Like you really gotta make sure you do that. And yeah.

Meghan Houle (33:25.993)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Consistency, brand recognition, quality service, all so important. Well let's talk about Hailey for a second because like boss babe running all the things like taking over the world. You have to take care of yourself, girl. Mm-mm-mm.

Haley (33:28.106)
Yeah, all those.

Haley (33:34.126)
I'm sure.

Haley (33:41.916)
I know.

Meghan Houle (33:42.62)
I mean, so what are some of your personal non-negotiables in your routine? Because I just love following you on Insta and I'm like, yep, ice coffee, give me that. Yep, your cutesy dog. Yep, your cutesy apartment. Like I'm gonna move in, BRB, I'll be right there. But what are some of those non-negotiables? Because I feel like we have to, at some point, establish boundaries, even though I know you and I, we love to work, we're like, let's work all the things, but you can't just pour from an empty cup also. Yeah.

Haley (33:51.491)
Ha ha!

Haley (34:08.754)
Yeah, I mean, like, I'm really bad with burnout. And like, I'll do it until like I burn out like two weeks ago, I got diagnosed with diageticulitis. And I was like really sick because like, wasn't eating healthy, wasn't taking care of myself and just like go, go. So like, when you get reminders like that, it's like a big wake up call. So I really need to, you know, my non negotiables, especially now are to like really make sure I prep my meals and like, eat healthy.

Meghan Houle (34:12.564)
I know me too. Yeah.

Oh my God, I saw that.

Meghan Houle (34:23.703)

Haley (34:36.574)
and drink lots of water, because sometimes I don't do that. Meditating at night time, I do for about an hour before I go to bed, and I love it. And then really trying to work out, like it's so hard in the morning when you're at, like you've worked a 14 hour fucking day, I'm like, to get up at six or five, because like that's the time I have to do it or I won't do it after work to work out, but I have to be more diligent with that. And I automatically at seven o'clock, my phone goes on, do not disturb.

Meghan Houle (34:43.436)
of that. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (34:49.104)
I know.

Meghan Houle (34:56.984)
same. Yep.

Meghan Houle (35:05.676)
I love that. I need to be so better. I know I always tell all of my ladies and individuals I coach at various levels, I'm like, please, like at some point, like stop looking at your phone. I mean, I'll remember too, because I work all across the country on various projects. So like, if it's a West Coast, things are coming in later. And then you get this like

Haley (35:16.877)

Haley (35:20.654)
of course you do, yeah.

Meghan Houle (35:25.092)
horrible email before you go to bed and then literally that's what like sleeps and sits in your psyche and like you literally can't even Shake it even in the next day until you answer it and address it So I'm like, you know what their emergency is not my emergency at some point Like you just have to be like everyone's gonna be fine and you know, we'll figure it out, right? So those are great tips

Haley (35:30.751)
Yeah, no, you can't sleep. No, you can't.

Haley (35:40.354)

Haley (35:44.854)
I'll deal with it in the morning. Yeah, I've learned that this year for sure. And like, it was funny because Connor, like I'll bring my phone into bed and he's like, no, leave in the kitchen, like, and that does help because I'll get up at three in the morning because I have to go to the washroom at 16 times and then I'll be like, oh. And then I'm like, yeah, no, and there's no going back to bed. And then I'm really exhausted the next day. So it's like, I have to, yeah, it's really hard balance, but.

Meghan Houle (35:53.94)
No. Yes. No, I love that.

Meghan Houle (36:01.506)

Meghan Houle (36:04.776)
Yeah, we start scrolling, we're like, no, same, no.

Meghan Houle (36:13.081)

Haley (36:13.582)
doing, keep the phone thing is like a big thing. It is like for your mental health and your well-being. It's, it's a must.

Meghan Houle (36:20.689)
Yeah. What would you say other things outside of HBFace? What do you love doing? What are some of your other hobbies or any fun quirks or fun hidden talents that you have? You want to… Shut up! Not just words.

Haley (36:34.686)
No, just work.

Haley (36:38.338)
So bad. I'm in an empire building state. It's like, I can't, it's all I do is work. It's really bad. And I'm not even like a big shopper and stuff. I'm really just focusing on my business. It's her. I know.

Meghan Houle (36:51.008)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that time will come. I mean, we have to enjoy life too, but I'm here. I'm this season with you, so like, amen to that. But yeah.

Haley (36:59.55)
I guess right now because I'm working in my business and on it, it's hard. So it's like the after work, I have to work. And in the morning before I'm on the floor, I have to work because then things won't get done and then, you know, delegating the team before work. It's a lot, but there will come a time, especially when we raise the capital, that I'll have more even more experienced help that will give me a little bit of a like a breath. So.

Meghan Houle (37:03.605)
Right. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (37:14.83)

Meghan Houle (37:26.284)
Right. Yeah.

Haley (37:28.382)
It'll be just as crazy busy, but it'll give me a little bit better of a routine.

Meghan Houle (37:32.3)
Well, and I think you just said it too, being in your business and then working on your business because you are still taking clients for yourself, right too. Yeah. So that's definitely a lot, but I know you're making big moves and it's all going to pay off. What would you say before I let you go and wrap up with some of the ways people can work with you and find all your products, what are you most grateful for? In all the moments, the highs and lows of this journey that we're on in entrepreneurship,

Haley (37:38.77)
Yeah, I still do. Yeah, for sure I do.

Meghan Houle (37:59.628)
Um, do you have a gratitude journal? All right. I know I kind of sit in this abundance, right? Of like, we can't want more for not already grateful for what we have. So like, what are some of your like gratitude moments or points? Yeah.

Haley (38:02.11)
Right, yeah.

Haley (38:10.97)
Yeah, like I feel like right now I have a really good support system, so I'm really grateful for that. You know, that developed over years and took a long time because I felt so alone, like, you know, because I didn't have my mom and my brother. So now I feel like I definitely have like, you know, it's a really good stable, healthy, you know, balance. And then what I'm grateful for, I guess, I'm like, I'm really just grateful for...

Meghan Houle (38:15.023)

Meghan Houle (38:22.349)

Meghan Houle (38:32.144)

Haley (38:37.918)
for it all. Like it's just I'm you know so happy with how things have like rolled out and turned out and you know I'm really grateful for my staff because they really do work as hard as I do and like I really wouldn't be anywhere without them so I'm lucky.

Meghan Houle (38:53.504)
Yeah. Aw. And they're lucky to have you. And I mean, you set that bar so high and you care so much. And that, my friend, is how you retain and attract and have beautiful teams that can support you because you are who you are. So kudos to you as well. And all things HB face. I know you're getting ready to make some big moves, but what are you most excited about? Maybe just in total heading into the rest of 2024. What are you most looking forward to?

in general. Yeah.

Haley (39:23.134)
most looking forward to like opening these stores and places that like, you know, I'm not like I'm obviously familiar with my hometown, but like, opening up to play like new clients and you know, new atmospheres and I'm really excited for that. Like it could go one of two ways.

Meghan Houle (39:34.308)

Meghan Houle (39:39.788)
Yeah. It's going to be awesome. No, girl, it's going to be awesome. Like I said, the hype is out there. When you already have like a wait list in United States of people, like you're not even here, and I'm like, sign me up already, like truly. I'm just kidding. Can we just start with like a mobile pop-up? We'll reverse Ali Webb's like dry bar creation. We're like, we started it and then now we're doing the mobile pop-up. You can totally do it.

Haley (39:47.634)
I can't wait. I know, I can't wait. I can't wait.

I know, we should just do a mobile pop-up.

Haley (40:01.502)

Meghan Houle (40:03.896)
But so for anyone listening, so Haley, physical locations are in Canada. So like tell us about like how someone can be in person with you, and then also like where we can find all things beauty and like that assortment, yeah.

Haley (40:13.048)

Haley (40:17.226)
Yeah. So you can book an appointment at hbface.com and we have two locations, one in Toronto and one in Oakville and you can purchase products in store and online. And then you can find us on Instagram at hb.face. We're also on TikTok, same thing. And yeah.

Meghan Houle (40:35.212)
And we're going to link everything and link everything to her website. And your shipping is amazing and everything is so beautifully packaged. So before I let you go, I know it's hard to just pick a favorite child, but what is a product that when everyone hangs up this podcast, shuts it down and goes to your website, what do we need to buy first? What are some of your top three must haves? Or that five minute phase, oh my God, tell us, what do we need to buy?

Haley (40:43.407)
Thank you.

Haley (40:52.749)

Haley (40:57.664)

Yeah, no, I would say the hyaluronic acid is one of our best sellers. It's called our water for the skin, our lash and brow serum, which is fire. It really helps to strengthen your brows and lashes and help keep them healthy and have them grow. And then we love our skin stick. Skin stick is fire, it's got an SPF in it. It's just a multipurpose stick that you can use as concealer or foundation. It's great for on the go. So yeah.

Meghan Houle (41:04.34)
Mm-hmm. Okay.

Meghan Houle (41:19.088)

Meghan Houle (41:28.168)
Okay, I'm chopping right when we hang up. Okay, but can I also plug the face oil because I love myself looking like a glazed honey Donut before I'm gonna ban and you all my really Yes

Haley (41:32.974)
Oh yeah. Yeah. I know I love the face oil. I love the... And you know what's great about the face oil is you can use it morning and night. It's a dry face oil. So like you can wear it with your makeup. And like I don't like a million products. Like you know that about me. So I keep it like really simple. Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and the oil. And the oil is great for all skin types because it's a grape seed. So it is fire.

Meghan Houle (41:43.517)
Yeah, it's amazing.

Meghan Houle (41:50.062)

Meghan Houle (42:00.16)
Well, and I can attest to, I mean, I do that even just like before the gym, like with my very quick face when I am also up at 5 a.m. like you. And it's so easy and it's not sticky. And also recently I've been, it's so annoying, but dealing with some like dermatitis and like eczema. I know. And like literally my face, anyone knows me as like my moneymaker. I'm like, don't mess with my face. Every, like take anything else, not my face. Like please.

Haley (42:04.159)

Haley (42:15.434)

Haley (42:25.239)
I feel ya.

Meghan Houle (42:26.184)
I have a reputation to uphold with the skin, but it is something that is so gentle. And I feel like the nights I use it, I wake up and the dermatitis, it's so much better. I feel like it's so dangerous with all of these. God bless healthcare, but the topicals and the steroids and things. Honestly, Hailey, that makes it worse for me. Your products are gentle, they're effective, they're beautiful, they're incredible. I have like...

Haley (42:44.246)
No. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (42:54.048)
700 lip crayons like all over and I'm so proud of myself because I haven't lost one of them yet. I'm very like strategic Love that for me, but you I am obsessed with you in the best way possible But thank you so much for being on the podcast like I cannot wait to see all that you have in store and for our listeners to support you and Hopefully see you in real life soon. So congrats to you my friend and all Your incredible growth and just for who you are and what you've been through

Haley (42:59.546)
Love that for you. Love that, Rika. You too.

Meghan Houle (43:23.392)
I know it's so heavy and so emotional. I know we're all getting emotional, you know, as you're talking about your story of Blueprint. So you have a lot of wonderful people in your corner, really rooting for you and you're such a beautiful soul. So thank you for sharing your voice on our podcast.

Haley (43:36.088)
Thank you so much for having me. And you're amazing, I love you so much. Thank you.

Meghan Houle (43:39.707)

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